MiddleBury College Antique Clothing Collection

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In 2015, Veikley started working at Middlebury College as the resident costume designer for the Theatre Department. When she was given the tour of the theatre spaces, she was introduced to a closet stuffed with “items too old to be used on stage.” She recognized that most of these items were not stage costumes, but authentic extant garments, some of them dating as far back as the 1830s. Thus began a long journey of dating, cataloging, and preserving these items for future generations of costume historians and students. With the help of student research assistants, The Middlebury College Antique Clothing Collection was established and continues to develop.

Who Are We?

The Middlebury College Antique Clothing Collection, in keeping with the college-wide mission to engage students in rigorous analysis and cross disciplinary thought, seeks to encourage a deeper understanding of the past through the study of clothing and textile history. Objects in the collection are available for examination by all students and serious researchers. Our goal is to collect, maintain, and share objects pertaining to all aspects of dress (with particular emphasis on items dating before 1940). Criteria for accepting objects into the collection include the consideration of appropriate quality, authenticity, condition, additional supportive documentation, and space availability.

Instagram: @middantiqueclothing